Let Your Body Determine Your Schedule

Do you create schedules that, once followed, make you feel exhausted, unfulfilled or lazy?

This was my pattern for quite a while:

I have so many interests that I often become overwhelmed. I want to make sure that I have time to do everything I love, so I create a tight schedule that includes it all and ensures that I’m working towards all of my long-term goals. I give myself tasks for the morning, an hour for lunch, time for “fun” activities, rest, enough sleep, and even periods for thought and doing nothing. It’s the high school model, and I did well then, so it should work now, right?

Wrong. I did well in school, but in school I was a sheep. I’ve grown so much since then, so do I really want to go back to that rule-abiding mindset? Whether they’re my own or the school board’s, these rules are imposed with too much thought given to “should,” and not enough to “want” or “need.” I feel like hiking when I should be writing, sleeping when I should be playing. Life becomes very stiff and does not encourage free will and thought, which is what helps you adapt to inevitable change, whether external or internal. And inevitably, I become unhappy.

I rebel against my inner dictator, and I identify with my inner hippie. I do whatever I want, whenever I want with a view to reconnecting with my true desires. I watch movies and eat all day and live off of my savings. I sleep in–after all, if I sleep until 3pm, it’s because my body needs and wants it, right? I have a lot of time to think about my dreams but I become sad when I don’t spend enough time making any real plans or taking any real steps–my dreams seem unattainable and I start to believe it.

I go back to my original activity-stuffing tactic, because I no longer trust myself.

Is it possible to listen to your body, like in schedule #2, but get shit done, like in schedule #1, and actually be happy, like in dream land?

I think so. I believe that what these schedules lack is self-knowledge; my interests and goals are the building blocks of my day, but knowledge of my own psychological and physiological patterns is critical for establishing a productive schedule.

For example, through trial and error, I’ve discovered that I feel most productive, whether I follow through on any plans or not, when I get up early; with so much waking time, I end up doing something. Then, perhaps early rising is a worthwhile habit to develop. I know that to feel good when I get up early, I have to get enough sleep. I know that when I eat a hearty breakfast, my appetite is regulated for the rest of the day.

I know that I feel good when I have a regular workout schedule. I haven’t figured this out completely yet, but I won’t beat myself up about it–what’s important is that I realize that exercise is crucial to my self-esteem, and I’m working to find a comfortable place for it in my life.

I know that sometimes, when I start writing as soon as I wake up, a sense of accomplishment pervades my day; perhaps I could try incorporating early writing into my daily or weekly schedule.

I know that at night, before bed, I like to think about my plans for tomorrow. When I wake up, I like knowing exactly what my plans are for the day; this way, I don’t waste my precious energy figuring out what to do and whether it is worthwhile–I just go. So, perhaps before bedtime I should create a “thinking time” block, during which I can allow my thoughts to wander into wider, even spiritual, territory, I can reevaluate my goals and purpose and set exciting tasks for the next day.

It’s important not to become disheartened when your scheduling doesn’t work, because each failure is a learning experience, and each new piece of knowledge brings you closer to success. The faster you get up and try again, the faster you get that next failure out of the way. 🙂

Finally, if you find that a regular, long-term schedule works well for you, hooray. However, if you undergo and enjoy constant change as I do, you must realize that once you’ve established the perfect schedule, you might need a completely new one. Therefore, what is most important is developing the ability to know when you’ve changed, and to adapt not only to external circumstances but also to internal ones.

Your plans should motivate you–they should be less of a to-do list, and more of a reminder of what makes you feel and radiate love. Your life should be a challenging but scenic canoe trip, not a steep, frightening mountain climb (unless you like that sort of thing) or endless channel surfing (please, just shut it off).


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101 responses to “Let Your Body Determine Your Schedule

  1. I totally agree ; finding a schedule, that works for you, is sometimes the hardest thing to accomplish. When you do find it – there is nothing better;) Great post and I look forward to sharing more with you:)

  2. Wow, do I relate to this post…

    I recently began working from home as a full-time freelance writer. You’d think I’d be able to spend more time blogging and doing the memoir style of writing that I have grown to love. But ever since I started working from home, I find myself distracted by tedium. EVERYTHING seems more important than my writing, which was supposed to be front and center!

    Anyhow, I tried the scheduled short chunks of time devoted to daily tasks — to no avail. But perhaps, as you’ve suggested, I need to change it up … not follow the same schedule. I tend to have a little bit of an attention problem (as many writers do), so this might help.

    Thanks for the tips. Nice to know I’m not alone in this struggle!


    • Couldn’t agree more… you gave words to my own feelings perhaps many of us….getting up early in the morning shapes up the whole day, everything, every task falls into the right place. But what affects and sometimes shake your whole plan for the day is the fact that no day is similar, everyday you face different situations,external ones, which directly affects your plan for the day!

      enjoyed reading 🙂

  3. I definitely need to stop using the word “should” in my every day life. There are so many things I think I should be doing, and sometimes it detracts from the enjoyment I get from the things I AM doing. Through trial and error, similar to yours, I’ve found that my body works better when I go to the gym at 10am rather than 5am. I work better in the afternoons, once I’ve had the morning to mess around and wake up. Maybe I ‘should’ get up earlier than 8:30, but for the most part I still accomplish the things I need to every day. And I’ve found a rhythm that works for me at this point.

  4. You nailed it! At least how I would have put it had I been able to connect the dots! Here’s to breaking schedule every now and then! Enjoy your canoe trip!

  5. I like the idea of encouraging people to listen to their own inner guidance. I also like the suggestion of not being rigid with ourselves and changing things as needed. Thank you!

  6. krafte

    I am totally with you right now! Definitely working to figure out the balance between working through my to-do list but also listening to my body. I fine it be very hard, but like you, am just trying to pay attention to what works for me and do my best to stick with it!

  7. Hooray for flexibility! I love it.

  8. i’m on that schedule, just let my body do what it wants, if i can’t sleep, i don’t try and fight it, and if want to sleep in, i will. been thinking about this lately, like my body clock wants to realign itself, or break the conditioning of mundane reality, whatever the reason, i like it, makes me feel good 🙂

  9. i agree with you completely..we are soo driven by should and have tos that we forget the want tos…life aint complusion and the best creative form of man arises from no restrictions and no limitations..the rules imposed on us in school make me seem claustrophobic as i try unsuccessfully to incorporate them in my daily life..the world takes a whole new turn when u start opening up the realities of life

  10. I couldn’t agree with you more. I am very like you in terms of planning and pursuing the goals and interests. As I get older, my stamina decreased and that’s when I started developing a healthy life pattern – regular workouts and enough sleeps. Now I feel I am at the most energy level of my life. 🙂 Good post!!

    • Ditto Hana, I can so identify with your comments, I’m getting there with the healthy life pattern, building a regular swimming / running routine into my week, but perhaps need to sort out the sleeps as it’s wearing me out!!

  11. fireandair

    I think sometimes that, in order to get things done, you CAN’T keep obsessive schedules. I’ve known more than a few people who are great about organizing their task lists, but then they never actually do any of the tasks on them. They will color-code and prioritize everything on their million-item list, then when they’re done, they take a deep breath and say, “I’ve accomplished a lot!” and go get a drink and take a nap.

    No. You haven’t accomplished ANYTHING. You’ve set yourself up to start accomplishing things, but until you start crossing shit off that list, you have accomplished absolutely NOTHING.

    Obsessive planners tend to only plan. They may even not want to get things on their list done and instead let them stack up endlessly, because organizing a 500-item to-do list is much more thorough than organizing a 10-item to-do list. Change the diaper on the nearest, loudest baby, and then, go home.

  12. thewondermya

    I love your body wisdom.

  13. I have an ‘Ugly Frogs’ file to list the challenges I must face up to, and would otherwise put off. Deal Ugly Frogs early in the day (or when you have most energy) and having got through the bad stuff, you can have fun day. I know some say, don’t write a list, just get it done. But I find if a write a list, they get done, even if I don’t remember where I put the list! I agree there are good times of day, or of the week to do certain tasks. It does help to have a rhythm.

  14. I have always been a big to-do list maker, but recently have been trying to focus on things that I actually want to do, instead of should do. Examples- putting photos in albums, updating baby books, they MAY get done. Training for a half marathon, writing on my blog, spending quality time with my family, these things MUST get done. Great reminders! Thanks!

  15. I am just like you – being productive early in the morning, feeling fulfilled at having written something at the beginning of the day, needing a regular exercise regime and feeling more organised by planning the next day the evening before. I too struggle with ‘listening to my body’ and getting things done. Sometimes, it’s not my body, but laziness speaking 😉 Great post.

  16. definitely is my way of dealing with days off.. I’m trying to make sure that i do things every day but not at set times because i am the opposite. i form obsessions and have to do things at certain times. also making lists for me is the best way to achieve things because i love crossing things off of my list 🙂 then i focus on me and what i want to do.. but you are right when you have to do things they are the last things you want to do..
    some great thoughts!
    keep smiling!

  17. Hello again, I am so sorry for my unfinished comment above – Tonight I finally made the decision to create a blog and your article gave me that final dose of inspiration to go ahead and do it after scouring wordpress! I could so relate to everything you say, I am an obsessive planner who constantly feels a sense of failure when all tasks have not been completed. You’ve got me thinking now about a different approach to everyday life, thank you so much!

  18. May

    This is so true, and the things you have noticed are very similar to the things I’m starting to figure out about myself. Unfortunately a huge amount of my schedule is dictated to me by others, but even so I have realised that getting up early and exercising makes me feel more awake than sleeping in. I just have to try to remember that when I set my alarm the night before, because I also know that I cannot get out of bed before the alarm goes off.

  19. Wow those first 6 paragraphs describe me where I am right now. I’m find it difficult to let go of the activities that I started but am no longer interested in because I feel guilty about the time already invested in them. I’m trying to figure out a routine that works for me presently, since it all shifted when I moved cross-country and got married.

    Thanks for your unbelievably timely post!

  20. acg

    I felt it was me talking while I read your post! haha
    it’s completely true! difficult, but a really good advise!


  21. Kayleigh

    I liked the part about identifying with your inner hippie hehe because it is exactly what I do! – If my body says sleep until 3pm, I do! (Maybe because I am a lazy student at the mo!)… but I do not normally set myself a schedule for the day ahead because really, you never know what’s going to happen and then you are left with all that guilt when you know you never did what you intended.

    Parts of my life are scheduled such as….my university timetable and I am now beginning to get into the routine of going table tennis every weekend, however for the larger part I do what I feel like doing at the time. I mean if I purposefully say now, ”tomorrow I will get my sketchbook out and draw something” …it sort of turns my hobby into a chore especially if I plan to do it religiously the same time.every week.

    I still get things done when I know they need doing, but I do not spend my time planning ahead of how much I’ll write in a day or when I will do what because i know I simply won’t stick to it! – haven’t ever missed an essay deadline yet!

    But still, I definitely think there is a healthy balance between having schedule/routine and hippie freedom!!!

    Thank you for such a great post, definitely got me thinking =]

  22. Way to think outside the box. What if you created a set of goals or things you want to accomplish – a big list with many ideas and must do tasks. Then go through your day or week waiting for a pull in a certain direction. You grab your list and dive into the idea/goal you are inspired to pursue. You could live a free and inspired life with a little organization thrown in.

    Thanks for the post.

  23. Nice post. We all need to listen to our inner hippy, man

  24. What are your high priority activities, i.e. when you are on your deathbed what would you regret not having done? Do you have goals? Make balance in your life. We need work, fun, meditation (God), physical activity to survive. Remember sound mind, sound body go hand in hand.
    You did an excellent self analysis, thanks for sharing your process.

  25. Reblogged this on Good Stuff Fun and commented:
    I really like the idea of paying attention to yourself and finding what you need by listening to your body. I also like that the author ended up learning that healthy habits are what work. I feel like I’m learning similar things about myself.

  26. I gave up on making my own schedules years ago. They just don’t work no matter what I do. I find I’m better when things happen spontaneously than they they’re planned out. I don’t know why that is.

    This has really helped out a lot. Thank you so much for posting this!

  27. I totally agree with you, but many of do not have the luxury of always being able to create our own schedules. Work is set and then there is minimal time to cram it all in around that. Would be great to be able to do though!

  28. I’ve been working on finding a good schedule myself, except I’m coming from an opposite point of view as you. I haven’t lived by a schedule since I was 15, and as a result I’m always late to everything. I feel like I don’t get enough time in to do the things I need to do, but I always have plenty of time to do whatever the hell I feel like doing at the moment. I’m trying to get out of that a little bit and see what happens. I’ll be blogging about it on here for sure 🙂

  29. You wrote: “Your plans should motivate you–they should be less of a to-do list…”
    I find where I am in the low end of my productivity cycles, (because I move from doing it all to not being able to do much of anything)- I reverse the to do list; It becomes an “I’ve done” list: a tally of what I have accomplished — I find that gives me a lift, seeing, in writing, yes. I have got some things done. As well as a motivating prod – Oh, I can get something, or another thing on this list.

    I am not at all a ‘routine’ person and this tweak works very well for me.

  30. Love your post 🙂 How wonderful it is to see somebody who agrees that a person’s schedule shouldn’t exhaust them. An exhausting schedule is just one that doesn’t satisfy that person’s needs or wants. Not enough people really get that.

  31. It is amazing how we don’t listen to our bodies, a morning jog makes all the difference!

  32. Raaj Trambadia

    Very true …if you plan to do something, be sure you’re happy with it. Anything done forcefully is a waste of time & energy !! Gr8 post !! Cheers

    And please check out my latest post on LOVE – http://raajtram.wordpress.com/2012/02/28/let-the-time-decide/ and even my new PhotoBlog – http://raajclicks.wordpress.com/2012/02/29/oh-i-love-my-laptop/

  33. I’m a modern hippy. No set schedules except dr appointments. I haven’t woken up to an alarm in YEARS and can’t even hear when my hubbys goes off. I homeschool partially because my youngest is a day sleeper.We sleep usually from noon till around 7 then we’re up and working from midnight till 5 or 6 AM. I’ve always done better on a night job. Used to tell people I was allergic to sunshine.

    Congrats on being Freshly Pressed!!

  34. Wow, I identify so much with your descriptions of schedule #1 and #2. I just don’t know what to do with my mean inner dictator (full of shoulds, I have so many diverse interests) and my inner hippie (who is more in tune with my feelings, the way my body works and my values in life). How do we work out this conflict? I haven’t figured out yet and I do beat myself up about it.

  35. Definitely!
    It is definitely most filling to following your desires.. it’s so much more fulfilling. However, sometimes it is inevitable to cram in a million things 😦

  36. unfortunately without a checklist of things to do i’m spastic. but it stresses me out either way

  37. You nailed it. One of the critical things we need to learn in life is to separate the “urgent” from the “important.” Urgent things — like a ringing phone demand our immediate attention. “Important” things like pausing to watch the sunset fill us with wonder or a sense of wholeness. Finding the balance is the trick. Thanks for your thought-provoking post.

  38. Samjhana

    It seems that most of us know what is it, but we usually ignore this and go back to the same old Routine. And the Routine bores us, makes us fatigued not just physically.
    Quite reflective one.
    I am definitely up for this scenic canoe trip. Hope I hold to it.
    Nice Post.

  39. Well, if one doesn’t have children (and I don’t), I really shouldn’t complain lots about my schedule –whatever it may be. It is very luxurious compared to anyone with children at home.

    No, I am not the type that super schedules stuff. Only on the job –if there are specific deadlines.

    I do visit my inner hippie for a few hrs. daily. (and cycling as part of my lifestyle helps alot!) Need to restore peace and equilibrium but get something done, no matter how small the task(s) may be.

  40. i loved this and can identify. for me, sometimes i think i don’t want to do something until i start.–then I know that i’m just being scared. but if i try to work and just can’t do it, if i feel like i hate the thing i’m doing, then i stop. that negativity will just make me bitter toward the activity.


  41. LiesHurtMySanity

    Reblogged this on Lies Hurt my Sanity and commented:
    Working work, children, gym, pleasure, and nothing time into a day is a challenge I have not yet overcome.

  42. Self knowledge is essential. For me, I wake early to center myself against the chaos of the day. Still there are universal truths that I cannot escape: eating well, regular exercise, and quality sleep allow me to embrace each day with strength, humor, and peace. Your article is a lovely reminder.

  43. Sounds like we have similar views on schedules. I can identify. Sounds something like the point I was trying to drive home in my post here http://frugalandhealthful.com/2012/02/28/time-the-other…ur-letter-word/

  44. Your view points are absolutely correct but what i feel sometimes is that unplanned and unorganized stuff sometimes ends up giving you greater happiness. I will elaborate by one small example: for me personally it sometimes gets too much to have everything planned and in order. Let’s say i am supposed to do the laundry in the afternoon. Now knowing the fact that i have to do it in the afternoon is itself not motivating, what i prefer is having some element of unknown 🙂 but thats just a personal view

  45. term

    pois é! javascript: alert(“OLA!”)

  46. I kind of get the same thing, at least on the weekends. Weekdays after working all day and helping my daughter with homework most of the night, I’m never too ambitious with the hour or so that remains. But on the weekends — different story! Full of ambition and things I want to do! Unfortunately, this is also when I’m most exhausted from the week and less able to do any of it… I haven’t gotten much done at all today, but tomorrow I probably will. So yeah, like you said, today my body is telling me I need rest. Feeling better now that the day is gone, so tomorrow look out!! I think you hit the key — knowing yourself, considering “need” and “want” in addition to “should”. But maybe while we both work at that, we should just split the time. Resting half the day and doing half the day, or rest and do on alternate days… Anyway, good post and congratz on FP!

  47. I totally create schedules that make me feel exhausted, unfulfilled, and lazy. It’s often hard to follow through on plans that I imagine my day will abide by.

  48. tagstrading

    “each failure is a learning experience, and each new piece of knowledge brings us closer to success. The faster we get up and try again, the faster we get that next failure out of the way”. I love how you said that, it should be reminded over and over again that successful people go through many more failures then the rest of us….

    As to what d_vaz said above, ha ha, I can recognize in it an ambitious internet marketer schedule style 🙂

  49. Reblogged this on It Must Be Me and commented:
    ❤ wonderful advice

  50. This was what I needed to read. I am the same way with schedules. One day I’ll keep it and the next I’ll revolt and go against my own routine and schedule. Thanks for the motivation to just listen to my body instead of my written agendas.

  51. amandawilliamsmusic

    I like what you said about not trusting yourself – trying to strike that balance between following your body wishes & what you “should” be doing. That’s a hard pose to strike a balance, for sure.

  52. If I let me body do my schedule it would permanently be cocktail hour followed by big long naps.

  53. watchingfilms

    I read the question in the first paragraph and it’s like you described me! It’s just so difficult to strike the right balance between being overstressed on a tight schedule and too relaxed going with the flow.

    Your post has so many great ideas to think about! Good luck finding what works for you!

  54. watchingfilms

    Reblogged this on Coffee Break Thoughts and commented:
    Read this post first thing in the morning and it’s brilliant. Was thinking of writing about this topic myself, but this blogger did it for me! Check it out and the blog bluberriesblueberries.wordpress.com is the discovery of the week!

  55. pobrian

    Well, obviously you have struck a cord for many bloggers. I too am one of them. I was just writing in my journal this morning about similar ideas. It seems like life will fill with so many demands for our attention. Getting back to who we are, and what we want to be doing with our limited time, is a challenge that needs to be faced. The word ‘should’ matches up with guilt. I don’t like feeling a constant pressure and guilt for what hasn’t been accomplished. Great post. Thanks.

  56. pobrian

    Reblogged this on Simple! and commented:
    A great post that struck a chord for me.

  57. niki

    I know how you feel. Schedules don’t really work for me because it’s just like you said …you feel like doing something else. So I try to do what I feel and when I feel! “Let Your Body Determine Your Schedule” sounds great!

  58. Pingback: Real nice and slow like | I, Introvert

  59. troismommy

    I try to do this to a degree. I have three kids that need to get to school by a certain time. If they don’t, they miss the first lesson of the day. So I get up with an alarm and off we go! Making breakfast and lunches and getting everyone ready to go. I volunteer in all 3 of their classes, on the PTA, as a school rep, as a big trip coordinator for our 5th grade overnight field trip, and in all the other little ways I can, while finding time to write a book and design patterns and take care of the house. If and when I can ever get back to teaching (we are in California which has no budget and is laying off teachers left and right), then I’ll get up even earlier to get myself ready. My body would be much better at all of this if I went to bed at a decent hour. 🙂

    Congrats on Freshly Pressed!

  60. What a great post. Unfortunately, it seems that we don’t always listen to ourselves. But with more posts like yours, hopefully that’ll change 🙂

    PS well done getting on the Freshly Pressed section – definitely an excellent post

  61. What a great post! Thank you for that, I totally agree with everything you said in this post. When I set aside time before the end of the day and jot down a “to-do-list” it gives me a great focus for the following day. I believe that the most constant thing in the world is change, and when you are able to embrance that it does wonders for your mental. Making a schedule doesnt necessairly mean that you have to follow it til the end, jus that for the time that it applies you shoudl follow it as closely as possible. This article had some really great points and ideas. I will be sure to share it. Cheers!

  62. wundiverse

    Love the last para. Great post.

  63. American Dream Maker

    This is an awesome post. I love what you said about being quick about getting up from a failure and moving on to the next. It’s easy to get discouraged after numerous falls; it helps to be reminded we gotta get back up and keep going. Thanks!

  64. This post is great. I started with a schedule again. After school I quited it cause I thought I need to try something new, something that will boost creativity rather that just been entraped within little time frames.

    It takes a lot of energy and concentration to find out when things works best for you.

  65. Wow! I love this post though I have never been one for schedules . They totally run away from me..:-)

  66. fezny

    Reblogged this on fezny.

  67. Amen to that! Turn the TV off…. And go climb a mountain. Which is the type of thing I love.
    It’s hard to “deschedule” for me. I am a type A personality that thrives on calendars, to-do lists, and busy-ness, and since I’m a freshman in college it can be hard to break away from that. My life is very scheduled–but I think it would be a valuable lesson to learn to be a bit more forgiving and spontaneous. I’m learning how to nourish myself, body, mind, and soul.

  68. emjayzed

    I feel like you wrote that for me! Much useful information there that I can apply to my own life, thank you!

  69. Awesome post! Thank you.

  70. I kind of experienced the same thing.I am a bit obsessive.I want everything to be perfect,so if I fail my schedule,I fail everything…
    However,that was too extreme,my idea had been changed.If I could fulfill 60%-70%,that would be ok.
    Don’t stress yourself too much!!!

  71. Kaela

    Ugh, i needed this 🙂

  72. Reflecting on the scheduling process seems like a wonderful idea and a way to best create the right fit for our own individual lives. Kudos to you on being freshly pressed!

  73. You’ve got a secret to fulfilment here: always have a schedule that both keeps you on the track to achieving your dreams and suits the way your body feels. Great post indeed, I love it!

  74. Pingback: Some really marginally kinda exciting things I want you to read « Primal Survival

  75. Edith K

    I can relate. Thank you for this 🙂

    “We read to know that we are not alone” ~ CS Lewis

  76. Wow, weird moment, I feel as if I wrote this post! I am glad to see it is so popular which must mean many of us feel like this. I think I am going to be less hard on myself, thanks for the little nudge in the right direction.

  77. Thanks for this eternally enlightening post.

  78. “Your life should be a challenging but scenic canoe trip, not a steep, frightening mountain climb (unless you like that sort of thing) or endless channel surfing (please, just shut it off).” You’ve just given me a new mantra. Your words seem to be an eye opener for me. Good luck to me for the “application”.

  79. Krishnamurthi

    brilliantly written and puts across everything that needs to be conveyed! Had a really good time reading this post. Keep writing!

  80. Reblogged this on From Germany-Marie, with love and commented:
    From Blueberriesblueberries (.wordpress.com)
    Something that I need to keep in mind more often, rather than feeling like a lazy failure when I don’t get everything done that I wanted to. I like the idea of living somewhere between the three lives!

  81. darksiderzukasa

    Reblogged this on The Awesome-ist and commented:
    This post really spoke to me. I personally do not like being tied to a schedule, and doing things your way is what makes you who you are. But, I wouldn’t take this to the extreme. Deadlines, people, deadlines. We all need them once in a while. Awesome post 😀

  82. Great article. Funny, I always have these same thoughts and end up beating myself up about not focusing on my hobbies and interests to build my future “empire” because I might want to have a “lazy day” every so often. Thanks for writing this.

  83. I may have overstarted this year as well. I am now in the process of cutting back on my activities.

  84. Zenwalker

    Its true that as you grow older, your body cant take the same workload as it did long back. But there is a side rule to this saying, if your brains can control the body fully then no matter what age your in, you can do what ever you wish too.
    I wonder how true this is. I always felt i need to rework on my schedules. I guess that’s the best way to keep up on the toes in this fast moving world 🙂
    Any ways nice blog post.

  85. You’re so right. I had the best schedule in the summer. Mind you, I was working part-time (just teaching aerobics), walking to work (20 mins), could disappear for days on end (so long as I gave some notice to my very understanding boss), but I did experience some unhappy bits–like the stress of knowing that work would be scarce in August, that I had to find a new place to live, that I ought to be finding a job in the field I went to school for (I’d just graduated) and that I wasn’t finding anything. But overall, I was happy most days and this is coming from someone who has depression and major anxiety.

    But I think you’re on to something with rearranging your schedule even if it doesn’t seem ‘normal’. I hate mornings as a rule and subsequently despise my job at a certain gym (not the one I worked at during the summer) for having to get up at 5am to get there on time and because my employer doesn’t exactly have any people skills to speak of. I do however, like being left on my own and not have to worry about someone constantly over my shoulder. Anyway, I need to re-evaluate things and perhaps it’ll push me out of my current existence of stress and misery.

  86. This is great and much needed. There really is a need to maintain balance with what your body needs and what you desire to accomplish. I’m a rock climber but I get the analogy. 🙂 Thanks for posting!

  87. Life can be hectic and it may become difficult to maintain a regular schedule. You always need to leave room for change. Awesome post, worth the read!

  88. sayaka

    Reblogged this on sayaka.

  89. Balance. Energy. Happy. Peace. We share a common language. Aloha

  90. This was a nice nice post!
    I’m certainly one of your kind, in that I too keep trying out schedules for my daily life, for fulfilling my desires and goals. And you’re right, that high-school type schedule is too much for me now.
    I totally agree with you that we need to listen to our bodies first and then optimize according to our needs.
    Thanks for this great post! 🙂

  91. Recently I’ve been experimenting with how to make things work better on my end too, eg. allocating time for “thinking about the day’s work” , “not worry about work on weekends” , “reflections for the day” time etc. Hope this all works and some negativity ebbs away!

  92. Read it off freshly pressed and to put it mildly, it lighted a bulb in my head. I make to-do’s all the time. And most often, I forget to take the notepad with me to make a list so I end up skipping some stuff and feel terrible about myself. I know I need to learn to take things easy, but then I want to make every day count. I shall try this one, and for that I first need to do some introspection.
    All in all, a thought provoking post. Kudos!

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